Compliance Perspectives

In Depth: Cecilia Muller Torbrand on The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub For organizations working to avoid corruption it can be a lonely fight. While a sales or compliance team may know that there are many others out there who would not pay a bribe, when facing a corrupt demand, they tend to be on their own. The maritime industry, though, has taken a major step to change the dynamic. In this extended, in-depth podcast, Cecilia Muller Torbrand, Chief Executive Officer at Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), explains how they pursued a collective action approach that now includes about 200 companies. The maritime industry is very exposed to corruption risk. A given ship can touch many jurisdictions over a short period of time. Captains are often very far from their headquarters and encounter multiple government touch points when approaching a port. The corruption they face varies dramatically, but it is frequently manifested with requests for facilitation payments: some token of appreciation. The challenge is a legal one since facilitation payments are pr