Trout Porn Fly Fishing Podcast-test

Ep 33: It’s cheeseburger, french fry, and candy time



First we talked with Karen Miller of Zen Tenkara and talked about the versatility, misconceptions, and general information on these rods. Do you want to learn about Tenkara, yes? Listen to this, it will give you a head start on what you need to know. Then we sat down with guide Ron Pecore and talked about the ins and outs of fishing in Colorado. We talked the ins and outs of three fly rigs, double worm rigs, and why your worms need to be weird colors. And why in the hell do tubers think they own the river? We also talked to Bean from Wyoming fly fishing, he gave us the heads up on the patterns to fish on Grey’s Reef, why you need a drift boat when visiting the river, and when to visit the river. Visit our sponsor at