Madison Church

Reviving Faith in the Face of Uncertainty | Who Needs God (Part 3) | Stephen Feith



Have you ever found yourself struggling with faith, feeling stuck between God and something else? In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the challenges believers face when confronting doubts and questions about the Bible, and how this can lead to feeling trapped between doubt and despair. We acknowledge the unsettling aspects of Christianity, but also discuss how living in a world without God can be just as unsettling.We delve into the historical context of the New Testament, examining the evidence surrounding Jesus' existence, his crucifixion, and the early distribution of the New Testament documents throughout the Roman Empire. We also investigate the early church and how Christianity spread quickly despite being illegal at the time, ultimately becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine. This fascinating discussion reveals that the early Christians were drawn to Jesus and his message, rather than the Bible itself.As we wrap up our exploration, we focus on the lo