Madison Church

A Journey into the Realm of the Holy Spirit | Open (Part 1) | Stephen Feith



Have you ever received a gift and left it unopened for years? Imagine doing so with a gift from God - the Holy Spirit. Join us as we unearth the story of a man who left a present from an ex-girlfriend untouched for 50 years and how it can help us understand our often complicated relationship with the Holy Spirit. This divine gift, which Jesus himself claimed to be greater than himself, is frequently left unopened out of fear, misunderstanding, or resistance to change.Designed by God to be spirit-receptive, we sometimes become spirit-resistant due to fear of being perceived as 'weird,' lack of knowledge about the Spirit, or reluctance to change. Through examining the Holy Spirit's role in creation, its presence in Jesus' life, and its ability to help us overcome shame, guilt, addiction, fear, and anger, we learn the importance of being open and intentional in receiving this incredible gift from our Heavenly Father. With references from the Bible, we take a closer look at the history of the