Madison Church

Transforming Relationships with Emotional Awareness and God | Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Part 2) | Stephen Feith



Ever wondered why your relationships seem like the tip of an iceberg? Are you ready to dive deeper and uncover the hidden 90% of emotions that could be causing shipwrecks in your connections with others? Join Stephen, the Lead Pastor of Madison Church, in this eye-opening discussion on emotionally healthy relationships and how understanding the fullness of our emotions can bring us closer to God and those around us.Discover how embracing a resolved mindset can lead to healthier relationships and a deeper understanding of our humanity as well as Jesus' humanity. We also look at some fascinating examples from the Bible of Jesus expressing his emotions, such as anger when confronted by the Pharisees and Sadducees. Reflect with us on the importance of handling our emotions in a way that aligns with Jesus' teachings.Finally, let's explore together the significance of self-awareness and its impact on our emotions, relationships, and spirituality. Learn how to bring your emotions to God and become mor