Madison Church

Strengthening Faith and Overcoming Adversity | Living Like Never Before (Part 2) |Stephen Feith



Are you wavering in your commitment to your Christian community? This powerful discussion dives into the crucial role that fellow believers play in our spiritual growth and well-being. We unpack the idea that neglecting our relationships with other Christians can lead to a wavering faith in Jesus, as well as the dangers of turning our faith into a hyper-individualistic, do-it-yourself practice.We also tackle the consequences of deliberate sin, examining the Greek word 'Hakusos' which refers to willful sinning. Discover how this can lead to the breakdown of relationships and our inability to live according to God's standards. The importance of discipline in our faith journey cannot be understated, as it affects our relationship with God and those around us.Lastly, we explore the importance of remembering our faith during persecution, discussing the various ways modern-day persecution can manifest. From internet memes with Bible verses taken out of context to ridicule and mocking from non-believe