Voice Of Breakthrough With Cyndi Foster

Episode 259: I’m Looking For the guilty Ones



Prayer for God to come and teach you wisdom.  We need to rescue those who have been turned over to a reprobate ( perverted) mind.  They can no longer understand even the simple things such as how many genders God created.  ( Let’s rescue the trans gender people and those that accept that distortion.) Stop enabling your grown children to sin in your home. The prodigal had to repent and turn to God before they were welcomed back into his father’s home. How to see prayers answered for adult children who have walked away from their Christian faith.  What restores your passion for God?  Self- righteousness and good works will never get you into heaven.  Count it all joy your various trial is a reality to those who are winning in their fight of faith.  The key to staying free from Alcoholism is revealed. When getting caught in hidden sin can become a beginning place of freedom.   The enemy is behind all sickness.  Performance does not please Jesus. Letting go of false strength. How much heartbreak do you want?  Giv