Israel Policy Pod

Into the Shadows with Ronen Bergman



The Israeli intelligence services like to operate in secret, but one journalist has made a career by bringing them out of the shadows: Ronen Bergman of The New York Times and Yediot Ahronot. In this week's episode, Tel Aviv-based journalist and Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber talks with Ronen about why he chose to focus on this specific beat, how he goes about his work, the stories behind his bestselling book, Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations, and his recent reporting on the Israeli cyberweapon firm NSO Group.Ronen Bergman's recent New York Times article on NSO Group: The Battle for the World's Most Powerful CyberweaponRise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations by Ronen Bergman Support the show