The Marie Forleo Podcast

368 - The #1 Reason to Start Your Own Business NOW (It’s Not What You Think)



People say they want to start a business for the money and the freedom. Or to “escape the rat race.” But they often overlook the BIGGEST gift of entrepreneurship. In this personal episode, I get emotional about some family crises I’m navigating at the moment. And how my business is the lifeline that allows me to drop everything and show up for the people I love. Because here’s the truth… When life throws unexpected challenges your way — and it WILL — having your own business is the ultimate source of strength, stability, and freedom. I want YOU to have that level of support in your life. That’s why I’m giving you $500 OFF our new B-School Fast Track experience this summer. All you have to do is join us before July 28th → To learn more, listen now — and don’t miss these key moments: The phone call that changed everything. [0:34] My ‘aha moment’ over a carton of organic eggs. [1:40] How YOU can take control of your financial future — beginning now. [2:40] Why entrepreneurship is th