Vagina Talks

095 Pelvic Bowl Clearing



Sweet, sacred listeners, this week Sophia is here to give you some basic, introductory practices for you to follow in order to touch your own root and begin clearing your pelvic bowl. This is womb-centered work but to be entirely clear, you do not need to have a physical womb or vulva or female identity to do this work. All genders and all bodies can do and benefit from this work!In this episode, you will learn how to hear messages from your body, get your own consent, and you will get an introductory practice to do. If you want to pause and follow along with Sophia, then you may want to listen to this episode in a private space where you feel comfortable touching your root and you can prep by washing your hands and perhaps finding some coconut oil or other lubricant if you think that will be supportive to you. Just listening to this episode will start the clearing process for you, so if you don't feel ready to touch yourself, you can still benefit from this.If you need support to do this work you can book a