Chats With Susan Burrell

Nurture - Embracing Our Lives with Loving Care



Ep #235 - Nurture. Embracing Our Lives with Loving Care - A Solo Show with Susan Burrell What does it mean to nurture oneself? Can the nurturing you show to others in your life also be embraced by your inner-self? In this solo episode I talk about the theme I have chosen for the month of July – Nurture. You all know I like to look up the word and get the written definition rolling around in my head. So of course, I looked up “Nurture” in the Webster Dictionary – here’s the definition: “To Supply with nourishment. To educate. To further the development of or foster.” When I hear the word “Nurture” I often think of mothers caring for their children or their elderly parents.  I think this is true for many of us. In today’s chat I explore all that and more. Including where in our lives we can foster love and make connection with others.  And not just those in our lives but also with the environment we are surrounded by. To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit my website: