The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

523 Doubling Down On Being A Human Leader In The Time Of ChatGPT



Artificial intelligence is bringing a lot of speed to tasks and helping with mundane work.  As we all become better at prompting the machine, we will uncover greater utility for it to propel our work.  It will not be able to replace the human aspect of leadership though. One thing it won’t fix is watching 40% of new hires walk out the door within the first three or four years of employ.  I was talking to an HR person from a very large international firm about this issue.  Originally, there had been a plan to provide training for these new recruits, with a view to keeping them in the company and not having them wander off to competitors.  In the end, they budgeted nothing for the training, so the whole idea collapsed.  The early departure problem is still there though. I suggested that the actual issue is with the young recruits’ supervisors and that this group needs some remedial training.  I said “remedial” because they have to unlearn some bad thinking and bad habits.  Most of these supervisors will be sect