Tierney Talks

Paula Kahn - Running For Office



New episode of Tierney Talks with @paulakahn2020. Paula Graciela Kahn is a congressional candidate currently running to represent California’s 30th District – the San Fernando Valley. Celebrate this “holiday” by listening to a femme against fascism. We talk about the just transition - as in a shift “from an exploitative, extractive, global war economy to a cooperative, regenerative network for local peace economies.” Paula tells me about how volunteering in Tijuana & observing atrocities at the border & in detention centers inspired her to run for office. She calls to shut down the Adelanto Detention Center in San Bernardino & describes her experiences advocating for detained friends in ICE centers. Paula wonders why ICE budgets are increasing when people are dying in ICE facilities, explains the immigration detention & deportation industry & shares how 9/11 & the Iraq War activated ICE. We explore her non-profit Cosmovisiones Ancestrales & the notion of using drugs to support peop