Tierney Talks

Beth Pickens - More Money 2020



Beth Pickens helps artists. She invented her own job, combining counseling and arts management, and now works as a consultant for artists and arts organizations in L.A. She is also the author of "Your Art Will Save Your Life" and the host of Getting Real About Money workshops. Beth is a Capricorn, like me, and we meet on the first day of Capricorn season for a powerful conversation about working from home, working with other people and working on our relationship to money. LISTEN TO HEAR HOW YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY IN 2020. Beth describes how family is the foundation of group psychology and the way workplaces often mirror the family dynamics of each employee. We also discuss coming from families who didn’t self-describe as artistic or feminist and who weren’t highly educated or rich. We talk about Beth’s childhood in the deep Rust Belt, the way attending the opening of the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh impacted her adolescence and growing up adoring Andy Warhol before the mass commercialization o