Tierney Talks

"Moving Beyond Creative Hurdles" w/ Beth Pickens



Welcome back Beth Pickens! My favorite art consultant, art counselor & lesbian-feminist  money coach (she's a Capricorn too!) We celebrate her new book “Make Your Art No Matter What: Moving Beyond Creative Hurdles” and discuss some of its core topics — money, time, fear, grief, isolation, education, and asking for what you want. Listen for a chance to win your own copy! Beth shares tons of tips to enhance your experience of both your art and your life. Investing time and money into yourself, distinguishing isolation from solitude, and warming up for your own creative practice are all talked about. We also explore staying connected to stillness while an abundance of ways to spend time become available to us. Beth gives advice to artists with common fears like experiencing disappointment while pitching and avoiding promoting your completed projects. Beth says, “For artists, the hard thing is not attaining goals, getting the grant or getting the opportunity or the show or whatever, the hard thing is bei