Mason Vera Paine

Find out the top searched trends of June 2023 on Google



As June draws to a close, let's take a look at what the world's been searching for in Entertainment, Culture, Science, Sports and more with Google Trends expert Christina Basillio. For the latest trends from Google visit: Twitter on Google at: Google on Facebook at: and Follow Google on Instagram at: Top Searched Google Trends of June: Transcription 00:00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine. 00:01 – Mason: Before we head into July, Google trends expert Christina Basillio will break down some of the top search trends in entertainment, culture, science, sports, and more. Thank you for joining me, Christina. 00:11 - Christina Basillio: Yeah, so happy to be here. 00:13 – Mason: All right, so for the month of June, there's a lot of things that's happened. But entertainment, was there anything popping?