Madison Church

Perseverance, Discipline, and Support in Our Spiritual Lives | Living Like Never Before (Part 4) | Stephen Feith



Imagine completing an Iron Man triathlon and the sheer perseverance it demands, both physically and emotionally. Now, picture your spiritual journey as an Iron Man race, with similar endurance and commitment necessary to cross the finish line victoriously. That's the heart of our conversation in this episode, as we explore Hebrews 12 and its teachings on faith and perseverance.Join us as we discuss Jesus as the ultimate example of faith, enduring the cross and disregarding the shame, teaching us the value of perseverance in our spiritual race. We dive into the powerful analogy of running the race with weights, which represent the extra baggage that slows us down in our spiritual journeys, and the faith Jesus demonstrated through his sacrifice on the cross. Furthermore, we unpack the significance of discipline and learning from God, who acts as our personal trainer, pushing us to reach our goals and dreams.Finally, we emphasize the importance of community support in persevering in our faith. By surroundin