Long Story Short

Financial inclusion takes a hit amid rising debt and high interest rates



https://www.devex.com/news/how-high-interest-rates-threaten-reversal-on-financial-inclusion-gains-105784 in financial inclusion over the past decade, with investors backing off riskier investments especially in inclusive fintech, as reported by Devex’s Shabtai Gold this week. While some regions have achieved robust progress — such as India, where nearly 80% of adults now have a bank account — others are lagging behind. Over half the population of sub-Saharan Africa, or about 530 million people, are still unbanked. Meanwhile French President Emmanuel Macron’s global financing summit, which aimed to address rising debt burdens and high interest rates, wrapped up at the end of last week https://www.devex.com/news/frustration-and-tentative-progress-at-macron-finance-summit-105789, as covered by Devex Brussels Correspondent Vince Chadwick. The summit ended with a number of strong interventions from leaders in Africa and Latin America who challenged Western governments on inequitable global governance structures a