Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Dating and Relationships as a Conscious Being



"How are you so okay with not having found a partner yet?" asked Sarah, an intuitive reader I was talking to in Boulder, CO just after she had given me a reading. She said she has been doing everything she can think of to "call in" her partner or soulmate, and still, she's single. It has caused her pain, heartache, and longing. I asked her if she trusted the Universe. "Yes," she replied. If you trust, then you trust, I said. How can you trust some things in your life and not others? If you have an agreement to be with someone in a romantic relationship, you will be. Whatever is in support of your Highest Good is happening, always. It goes beyond "attracting" your partner, it's also about what you have chosen as your theme or mission in this life, and who will be most supportive to this. We have chosen to have agreements and "soul contracts" with many people in our lifetime. You can keep these agreements, or not. It's up to you, that's the beauty of free will as a human. It goes beyond "attracting" your part