License To Parent With Trace Embry

Ask Trace



Ask Trace It’s another installment of Ask Trace where I ask Trace questions that are on your hearts. Today’s topic is kind of sensitive. It is around the topic of LGBTQ youth. Over the last couple of weeks, I have had several conversations about pronouns and how to adjust your thinking around that. In some of those eye-opening conversations, I am seeing parents, teachers, and leaders in the Christian community that are on opposite sides. Both believe that they are on the side of compassion and the gospel. So how does Trace handle this with the teens at Shepherd’s Hill Academy? Email to ask your tough questions. Discussing LGBTQ+ with Trace Embry Trace Embry is the Founder and Executive Director of Shepherd’s Hill Academy a Christ-centered, outdoor-focused, year-long, therapeutic boarding academy for troubled youth. Trace and his wife Beth started Shepherd’s Hill Academy in 2001 to bring healing to hurting families. They came to Christ after becoming parents and learned a lot th