Shall We Proceed? W/e. Leese

The Digital Age of Building Your Band & Business w/Jha Allen CEO of Jha Allen LLC



Enjoy as we sit with Jha Allen CEO of Jha Allen , LLCJha Allen is skilled in various aspects of digital marketing and specializes in marketing strategy, web design, social media, content creation, and online automation. She and her team have over 10 years of marketing and brand experience and have worked within various industries’ niches. Jha Allen LLC  is a brand composed of two variables: Digital Community Management Company that helps seasoned entrepreneurs and established small businesses grow their online presence using proven marketing and branding strategies and Connections HTX a social organization and the heart of the company.  They provide networking opportunities for entrepreneurs, and the resources needed to excel in their business and personal life. Our goal is to help small businesses develop their online brand identity, build an online brand presence and generate sales.In this episode we discuss:Jha's visionHer journey to Digital MarketingSelf-Care or Lack their ofWhat is next for Jha?Spec