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Case Study: Profitable Affiliate Marketing (Even With a Small List) with Rachel Luna



#90: Case Study: Profitable Affiliate Marketing (Even With a Small List) with Rachel Luna Do you ever feel like there are almost too many ways to succeed when it comes to entrepreneurship and online marketing?With all the content out there telling you to grow a massive list, build courses, promote on this social platform and that one over there during a launch and….It’s no wonder so many people end up totally overthinking and completely complicating things to the point of paralysis on the path to success.Sometimes you just have to find a path and run with it.  For me, that’s been Facebook ads and paid traffic.For others, like my friend Rachel Luna, it’s generating revenue through honest affiliate partnerships.Rachel is a best selling author, former U.S. Marine and the founder of RachelLuna.Biz. For the past 7 years, she’s been coaching people to get clear on their passion, take consistent action and achieve purpose-driven goals.Now, Rachel’s realized a new passion of her own -- online courses.She leveled up h