Madison Church

How Faith and Perseverance Shape Our Stories | Living Like Never Before (Part 3) | Stephen Feith



Did you know that heroes don't always wear capes? Sometimes, they're the people we least expect, like our parents, mentors, or even ourselves. Join me as I share the incredible story of my grandpa, who transformed from a mean alcoholic to a wonderful grandfather and became one of my personal heroes. His journey taught me that it's not about how you start, but how you finish that truly matters.Faith can be a controversial topic, but what if it's not just a blind leap but a confident belief in God based on what he has already done? In this episode, we dig deep into Hebrews 11 to dissect misconceptions around faith and the stories of biblical heroes like Abraham and Moses. Together, we'll explore the importance of persevering in faith despite overwhelming challenges and how God works in, through, and around us, even when we can't see it.But faith isn't just an abstract concept; it involves movement and action. Whether it's moving cities or making an offering, taking a step