Htw With Zoe And Erica

140. More Than Kegels: Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor with Lia Bartha



We’ve all heard of Kegels, right? But other than that, not many people are aware of their pelvic floor – or why it’s so damn important. It’s way more than Kegels, that’s for sure. There are so many aspects of your health that are connected to your pelvic floor, from back pain, posture, and even how pleasurable sex can be! That’s why we’re lucky to have Lia Bartha here to fill us in on what our pelvic floor needs. She’s the founder of B The Method, a whole-body exercise regimen purposefully created to leave nothing untouched. We talk about everything from poop, to periods, to childbirth, to why it’s important to stop stigmatizing parts of our bodies that we should be talking about.   A former dancer with scoliosis and multiple injuries, Lia first created her method, which is a mix of highly unique pilates-based, low-impact movements, with inspiration from dance and swimming, to strengthen, restore and protect her own body.  Lia talks about... How B The Method got started and why the pelvic floor is such a big