The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

520 How To Get Transformational Change To Achieve An Inclusive Mindset



As a leader, try yelling “be inclusive, be inclusive, be inclusive” at your staff members.  You are trying to move the organisation toward achieving greater creativity and innovation through the benefits of diversity.  You know that becoming more inclusive is the catalyst for gaining diversity inside the firm.  The President and the Executive Team have made the official pronouncements about using diversity to better prepare for a more creative and successful future.  Whatever your own thoughts on the merits of diversity, it is your leader job to turn their pronouncement into reality.  Being a smart leader, you know that just yelling at your staff to be more inclusive is a nonsense and won’t work.  Great, so what do you do about those in your charge? This type of major transformation is not the moment for shotgun style team meetings or town halls to convince everyone to get on board with senior management’s directions.  En masse, that blanket approach will yield a lot of tatemae or superficial acceptance, but