
Rand(Nerds); Episode 219 - Hogwarts Legacy, Street Fighter 6, Sleepwalker, Risk: Global Domination, VRAM issues



Welcome to episode 219 We check in with Skazz Hogwarts adventure and the odd endings of the games, this lead onto a discussion on modern PC hardware. Skazz talks about the recently released Street Fighter 6 game and it demanding VRAM issues with its new open world mode, multiplayer world and massive graphical upgrades. Ram has played a couple of games with a classic game from his childhood with Sleepwalker that proves rather annoying, and then RISK: Global Domination based on the classic board game, the computer version rather nickle and dimes its players We also discuss the data transfer rate of rams (146GB+) Notes: Save a boy from waking up in Sleepwalker Classic strategy game and micro transaction hell in RISK: Global Domination Important information about Ram semen Needs lots of VRAM Street Fighting 6 You can Join us for our next Livesteam on Saturday 17th June 2023 21:30 GMT+1 On Youtube Twitch Also check out our next game night on Wednesday 7th June at approx 20:30+1 GMT on Twitch: Skazz TheSuffolkRam