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Moms Raising Men



Moms Raising Men Family values today are being challenged and even marginalized. Traditional gender roles have also been challenged and even redefined. Our boys are receiving distorted information about what it means to be a man; while more single moms are raising sons without a good male role model to help live out what it really means to be a man. This is becoming generational. Almost to the point that extremists have now convinced many of today’s young men and women that the scientifically backed gender binary is either fluid or non-existent. So what is a single mom to do? How do moms raise sons to be men? Discussing Raising Men with Rhonda Stoppe Rhonda Stoppe is a Christian author and speaker with over 30 years of experience as a pastor's wife, a mom coach, a marriage mentor, and a homeschool keynote speaker. Rhonda is Nana to 15 little ones. She also has 2 sons and 2 daughters and loves to share all that she learned through that experience. 10 years ago Rhonda wrote the book, “Moms Raising Sons to be M