Alison Thompson's posts

S2 Ep7: J.A Lovelock: Let Me Tell You Something!



Welcome to Conversations with Authors, where I – Alison Thompson, AKA The Proof Fairy – meet amazing authors and find out what inspired them to write and what advice they would offer other aspiring authors. My guest today is Joyanna Lovelock, a lawyer working in legal education who also masquerades under the pen name J.A. Lovelock. Her first book, "Let Me Tell You Something" came out in 2019. In our conversation Joyanna explains how the universe played a part in her writing, tells me about some of the fun things that have happened as a result of publishing her book, and talks about how challenging becoming an author really can be. More About J.A. Lovelock J.A. Lovelock is a barrister-at-law. As an academic lawyer, she has spent a career in legal education which included lecturing, training, and examining. She has a passion for how crime is dealt with within the criminal justice system and has created, produced, and host a podcast in that regard – Behind the Yellow Tape, She is also a