Alison Thompson's posts

S2 Ep12: Nicola Hebron: Wiccan Romance and magical teenage quads



Welcome to Conversations with Authors, where I – Alison Thompson, AKA The Proof Fairy – meet amazing authors and find out what inspired them to write and what advice they would offer other aspiring authors.   My guest today is Nicola Hebron, author of the Wiccan Romance series of books, which follows the adventures of quads Amelia, Sam, Ben and Charlie who, on their 17th birthday, discover they have magical powers.    In our conversation Nicola talks about method writing, the benefits of self-publishing and how learning about herself through writing gets her through challenging times. She also gives a shout out to the England cricket team … you’ll have to listen to find out why! More About Nicola Hebron   Writing has been calling to me for years. I often worked on stories in my spare time since my school days, where I frequently spent my lunch hour sat in the library scribbling away. The initial premise for my current series came to me as an idea when I was supposed to be writing a history coursework durin