Alison Thompson's posts

S3 Ep14: James Jenkins: Gritty noir fiction author



Welcome to Conversations with Authors, where I – Alison Thompson, AKA The Proof Fairy – meet amazing authors and find out what inspires them to write and what advice they would offer other aspiring authors. My guest today is James Jenkins, a Suffolk-based writer of gritty noir fiction. James has had over a dozen short stories published in magazines, collections and anthologies and has now secured a publishing contract for his first novel, Parochial Pigs, which came out in January 2022.  During our conversation James explains how he went about finding a publisher and we discuss why short stories are a great place for any author to start. We also talk about the importance of beta readers and how throwaway comments can change the whole course of your life…  More About James Jenkins  James Jenkins is a Suffolk-based writer of gritty noir fiction. He has work published or forthcoming in Bristol Noir, Punch-Riot Mag, Bullshit Lit, A Thin Slice of Anxiety and Punk Noir Magazine. One of his short stories appears