Talent Magnet

E36: Talent Magnet Learns About Digital Literacy



Welcome to Talent Magnet, where we explore the latest trends and insights in talent development. In this episode, we're joined by Marianne Judd, Member Investment Project Coordinator, to discuss an important topic: Digital Literacy. Digital equity and literacy are more critical than ever in today's technology-driven world. So, what exactly do these terms mean? Digital equity refers to the availability of digital tools, resources, and access to technology to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, or location. It's about ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the digital world. Digital literacy, on the other hand, is the ability to effectively use digital tools and technology to communicate, create, and collaborate. It's not just about knowing how to use a computer or a smartphone; it's about understanding how to navigate and make sense of the vast amount of information available online. In our conversation with Marianne Judd, she shares her insights on the i