Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:229 African Spearfishing Retreats, Ocean to Plate SBT & More | Eckart Benkenstein



Interview with Eckart Benkenstein Today's interview is with Eckart Benkenstein from Salt Sessions! Today is all about Southern Bluefin Tuna: how to hunt them, how to land them, how to bleed and care for them and most importantly: how to get the best seafood out of them! Caring for your catch taken to the next level as we also talk about dry aging, ceviche, 99 Spearo Recipes and so much more! Eckart runs some awesome spearfishing and freediving retreats and he has a few trips coming up soon in and around Australia as well as a massive trip to South Africa for a spearfishing and safari retreat! Visit to find out more and book your spot! There's even rumors of Eckart and Shrek teaming up for a Noob Spearo and Salt Sessions spearfishing retreat soon! Check the links mentioned below and contact Shrek to tell him you're interested!   Important times: 00:13 Intro 11:55 Welcome Eckart! 13:50 Your courses are great! Kilsby Sinkhole 15:40 Seafood on the 16:15 Hunting Southern Bluefin Tuna -ocean to plate & a fis