Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:230 Blue Water Shore Diving | Wahoo for Days | Nick Anastasia @teamseamonkeys



Interview with Nick Anastasia / @teamseamonkeys Today's interview is with Nick Anastasia, aka @teamseamonkeys from Hawaii! Most people think of long boat trips and hours out to sea when they think of "bluewater" spearfishing. Nick does his bluewater spearfishing from the shore! The unique topography of Hawaii means that within a hundred meters from the shore, you can be in hundreds of meters of water! This brings its own dangers of massive current and swell, but also brings along a whole host of bluewater pelagic fish! If Yellowfin, Bluefin and Dogtooth Tuna are considered by-catch, you know you're in a good spot for spearfishing! Hear stories of epic hunts around Hawaii, close calls far out to sea, some awesome Hawaiian underwater photographers and spearos, bluewater hunting rigs and gear and so much more. Go give @TeamSeaMonkeys a follow on instagram for some epic content, guarantied to make you froth! Important times: 00:13 Intro 05:35 Welcome Nick from Hawaii! 06:00 What are you doing in Japan? 08:25 Sp