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Resilient Kids



Resilient Kids The American culture is full of adults who are ideologically divided, emotionally fragile, addicted, mentally ill, and devoid of God. Sadly many of these adults are also averse to logic, objective truth, common sense, and even science. As responsible parents, we need to foster resilience in our kids like never before. But how do we do this when our kids seem to have lost so much confidence in and respect for the parents of the last few generations? Especially when many of these parents have taught them to trust and even emulate people like teachers, coaches, medical and mental health professionals, lawmakers, law enforcement, media personnel, businessmen, scientists, and too often even clergy. Dr. Kathy Koch will help bring clarity to this issue through the discussion of her book “Resilient Kids: Raising Them to Embrace Life with Confidence.” Discussing Resilience with Kathy Koch Dr. Kathy Koch is the Founder and President of Celebrate Kids and the co-founder of Ignite The Family. Dr. Kathy ha