Identical Cousins

Identical Cousins 15: I Got Nothin’



Recorded 19 April 2013. You can download the m4a file. Brent and Michael talk about feedback from testers, Siri and privacy, using open source code, Summly, and iSteve. This episode is sponsored by Windows Azure Mobile Services. Learn how easy it is to get started by watching the videos (at the link above). Set up a database, send push notifications, write scripts that run periodically, authenticate users via Twitter and Facebook, and plenty more. All without being locked into Visual Studio or some crazy thing — instead, you interact with the system in your browser. Write your code in JavaScript in any text editor. Some things we mention: WWDC NetNewsWire Siri and Privacy Fantastical FMDB Core Data SQLite ICU Business Insider on why Yahoo bought Summly Machine learning Japan HockeyApp De Anza College iSteve Pirates of Silicon Valley Jobs