Moody Presents

2023-06-03 Securing the Borders of Your Life part 1



Welcome to MOODY PRESENTS with Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. Nehemiah is all about rebuilding… and the spiritual principles we read about can apply to us today when it comes to our families, our marriages, our own spiritual lives… today Pastor Mark helps center us on the path by focusing on getting priorities right starting with the most important thing… and to give you a preview and get you thinking… That important thing is…a clear focus on God! We need to center our heart, mind and life on Him and the call he has burdened us with. Explain button concept without using the button-you mention it in message. If you are able, turn with us to Nehemiah chapter 7 now as we continue with part 2 of the message, Securing the Borders of Your Life. Here’s Mark Jobe with today’s MOODY PRESENTS.  See for privacy information.