Bletchley Park

Extra - E36 - Codebreakers’ Legacy - Michael Smith



May 2014 Bestselling author & Bletchley Park Trustee, Michael Smith discusses the life & work of John Tiltman, whom many consider may have been Britain’s greatest ever code breaker. For these highlights we have concentrated on the lesser known parts of Tiltman’s life, both before & after his time at Bletchley Park. This talk was recorded at last year’s sell-out day of talks, Codebreakers’ Legacy. If you would like to attend a similar event in the Bletchley Park Presents series, then please go to & look in the What’s On section. Picture: ©shaunarmstrong/ #BPark, #BletchleyPark, #Enigma, #WW1, #WW2, #codebreaker, #mcfontaine