License To Parent With Trace Embry

The Blessing



The Blessing Let me tell you about this gift. There is very little investment involved.  The gift is so much more valuable than the latest gadget your child may want. It’s a gift that can improve their lives now and in their future. It’s unlike most any other gift you know of.  This gift is The Blessing. So, what is the blessing?  You can find out today on License to Parent. Discussing Blessing Your Children with John Trent John Trent has the "best job in the world" according to him.  He is the Founder and President of Strong Families.  John writes, speaks, and trains others to create cultures of blessing in their homes, workplaces, ministries, and around the world. John has written over 30 books. We’re going to talk to John today about his award-winning book called The Blessing. Episode Highlights: How do we bless our kids the most? What is the greek word for forgiveness? How is it significant? What is it like to experience the blessing? Does one’s childhood guarantee success or failure as an adu