Gmi - Guitar And Music Institute Guitar Podcasts

Episode 14 – Interview With FretDeck Inventor Justin Comstock - GMI - Guitar And Music Institute Guitar Podcasts



Struggling To Remember Your Chords, Scales & Theory? FretDeck Could Be The Answer   Let's face it, learning the guitar can be hard and that is where FretDeck comes in. It is a very simple concept, but like most of the best ideas; they are simple. In this podcast we talk to Justin Comstock about how came up with the idea of FretDeck. Further to this, we discuss his career as a player and how he managed to get through the maze of Kickstarter to see his dream idea become a reality. Podcast Ep 14 – Table Of Contents 1.20 Introductions. 2.30 What was the inspiration for FretDeck? 4.05 Designing FretDeck. 6.25 Getting into the detail. 9.05 The design stage. 10.12 The biggest challenges faced. 11.39 Moving the idea onto Kickstarter. 15.55 Ideas for the next FretDeck? 17.03 How much does FretDeck cost? 18.23 Justin's playing career and development. 20.10 Plans for the future. 22.40 The benefits of using Kickstarter! PLEASE SUPPORT GMI THROUGH OUR PATREON PAGE More About FretDeck The FretDeck promo video kind