Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Certifiably Happy with Elliott Robertson



What if you discovered how to be happy for NO reason? With life’s unpredictability and ups and downs, we often find ourselves caught up in the uncontrollable ebb and flow of circumstances that impact us. Meet Elliott Robertson, a Certified Happy for No Reason Workshop Leader, World Stage Intuitive and Spiritual Growth Coach who offers positive new perspectives for facing life’s many surprises.A returning guest and author of the book, Say Yes to Life, Elliott Robertson previously joined us to share all the ways we can Say Yes to Life. In this power-hour of enlightYOUment, Robertson extends another invitation to release habits that interfere with heart-centered living, including the habit of dismissing, discounting, or postponing your heart’s desires. Robertson invites us to live in our sovereignty through releasing hold on negative beliefs about ourselves or others and highlights how this can serve as a gateway to cultivate new habits of holding unconditional love for ourselves and allow for a greater capacity