Malcolm Cox

S2: "The Lord's Message Rang Out" | 1 Thess 1:1-10 | Malcolm Cox



v1 Greeting - personal; God-focus; grace & peace v2 - thankful for all; prayerful v3 - hard work for God inspired by Jesus v4 - family relationships; 28 times - ‘brothers’ v5 - God changed you dramatically v6 - Accepted suffering; joy from the Spirit ‘If Christ wore a crown of thorns, why should His followers expect only a crown of roses?’ Martin Luther v7 - modelled Christianity to other Christians v8 - their reputation is connected to God’s work v9 - turned to serve God v10 - Trust in God revealed by patient service God We find 15 references to the Godhead in the 10 verses of chapter 1 and 97 mentions in all 89 verse of the letter. He gives grace and peace, and joy despite suffering which inspires their work for Him such that it inspire others. Turn to serve, v9 Repentance is a lifestyle and a radical one at that. Turn from: desire to be comfortable; compromise; fear; laziness; sins, halfheartedness; guilt; shame "It would be like asking people in a modern city to give up using motor cars, computers a