Gateway Church Austin

Our City



Work through the following questions and scriptures on your own or get together with your group, spiritual running partners, or family to talk through what you are learning. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Have you ever been in a situation that you didn’t want to be in? Maybe you were forced to move schools, jobs, and/or cities. How did you respond to your new situation? What stood out to you from the message? The church is called to be a bridge from the city to God. Have you given much thought to this? How much do you consider your own role in reaching the city with the message of Jesus?     4. How do you view the people of your city? Which negative attitude do you lean toward as you think about the people of your city? When we Ignore the people of our city, we rob ourselves of God’s heart for them. When we Reject the people of our city, we forget God’s acceptance of them.Any repeated phrases? When we Despise the people of our city, we block out God’s desire for them. When we Hate the people of our city,