Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

Color Genius and Author, BP Greycastle



On this Love From The Hyp, B.P. Greycastle joins us for an exclusive interview. B.P. is a Color Genius and Author, and has made several media appearances including Coast To Coast with George Noory, ABC, NBC, and Fox. B.P. will share his method, which can be scientifically proven; Name Colorology. B.P. will explain how our names are color-coded and how they affect every aspect of our lives, be it spiritual, mental, vocal, physical, control, emotional, and sexual. Essentially each letter of our first and last names, with the exception of a few letters, are assigned to a color which correspond to a chakra. And just by hearing our name, whether it’s a nickname or our real name, or heard phonetically different than it’s spelled, many times over on a daily basis, it can affect our beauty, career, success, romance, hobbies, as well as our positive, and negative traits. 95% of the most famous and successful people owe their success to their names. He will explain how this can be true and share examples. Listen in as