

In this sermon from Ephesians 2:11-22, we’re going to see the glorious truth of what that salvation means for our relationships with one another.   Salvation works on both a vertical and a horizontal axis (like a cross). Salvation reconciles us with God, and it reconciles us with one another. Salvation isn’t just about “I and me…” It’s about “us and we.”   Three key points from this passage:   1) Alienation   The Gentiles were strangers to God’s covenant blessings, despised by God’s covenant people.   In other words, the Jews were “in,” the Gentiles were “out.” Paul says that at one time, those fleshly distinctives mattered, but no longer.   2) Reconciliation   Because of what Christ has done, those fleshly distinctions no longer matter. In the wonder of God’s grace, the Gentiles have been welcomed into the new covenant that is in Jesus’ blood!   In Christ, God has reconciled Jews and Gentiles to Himself and with one another.   3) Incorporation   The same grace that reconciles us with Go