Archdiocese Of St. Louis

Jesse Tree: Day Seven - Dave Baranowski



Today’s Advent reflection is on Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors. Just as Advent is our time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth and His second coming at the end of time, Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors, in an unexpected way, prepared Joseph for a celebration and reunion with his family. We remember the story… Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob, is given a Coat of Many Colors as a gift from his father. Joseph’s brothers, jealous of him, sell Joseph off to slavery. Joseph, with God’s guidance, thrives in captivity and eventually becomes Pharaoh’s chief advisor. Famine plagues the region and Joseph and his brothers and father are eventually reunited in love and forgiveness. As we prepare during this Advent season, we can use this scripture passage as a guide to living a “God-centered” life instead of a “self-centered life”: - Everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. - Each of us has been given gifts and we are called to use them in different ways. - Jealousy is the opposite of