Face 2 Face With David Peck

Family, Corruption & Justice



Robert Osbourne and Face2Face host David Peck talk about his new film Malcolm is Missing, tenacity and passionate commitment to a cause, justice and corruption, family and why sometimes pushing back against the system is necessary.TrailerWatch on CBC GemSynopsis:Malcom is Missing, from Canadian documentarians Robert Osborne and Jari Osborne, is an affecting and suspenseful portrait of a daughter who wouldn’t give up, and a corruption-riddled system of justice - a country where 100,000 people go missing every year and 95% of violent crimes are never solved. In between the moments of investigative discovery, Malcom is Missing paints a picture of a strained but loving family, a man-child of a father who left Brooke’s life early, but maintained a bond that compelled her to find out his fate. We see his odd collection of miniatures, including a mechanical “Curiosity Shop,” and gradually get a sense of a man who’s a curious combination of guarded and suspicious yet oddly naïve and trusting. "I am always amazed and