The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

514 Inclusion, Conflict and Diversity In Japan



Internal conflict is like a cancer destroying our organisations.  This is normally a massive headache for leaders, but when trying to improve the diversity within the team, it becomes a blocker.  There is a pathway to diversity and that leads to gaining an acceptance of the necessity for inclusion first. Once achieved then diversity becomes a possibility.  Being inclusive with someone you are arguing with or now don’t like, because of some point of conflict, makes that possibility quite remote Companies in Japan have been diligent in organising awareness sessions about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Often it is a box ticking exercise though and no one actually measures whether the firm achieved its diversity aims.  In other cases, they took it seriously but there was no result.  The awareness session ended and that was that.  The bridging from the “why” to the “how” wasn’t achieved.  There are many reasons why the transition didn’t occur and certainly one of them is unresolved conflict within the team, act