Mason Vera Paine

Top Google Search Trends For April



Google Trends Expert, Sarah Armstrong joins me to speak about April’s top search trends in entertainment, culture, science, odd news, sports and what are the driving interest behind those searches. For the latest trends from Google visit: Twitter on Google at: Google on Facebook at: and Follow Google on Instagram at: Mason Vera Paine & Sarah Armstrong: April Trends Transcription 00 :00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine 00:00 - Mason Paine: Sarah Armstrong, Google Trends expert, joins me to speak about the things trending in entertainment, culture, science, odd news, sports, and food. Thanks for joining me, Sarah. 00:10 - Sarah Armstrong: Thank you for having me. 00:12 - Mason Paine: So there's been a lot of things that happened this past month. Tell me, what has been trending, though? 00:17 - Sarah Arm