

Did you know that as a follower of Jesus Christ you have a secret identity? By grace, through faith, in Jesus, you are a son or daughter of God! You are royalty incognito. You are an eternal being hidden in time. You are a Titan in this everyday world.   You say, “But I don’t feel or look very much like a Titan…” We think that Titans are supposed to be mighty, skillful, beautiful, and glorious. But, we feel like none of that’s true of us in the moment.   Oh, but one day it will be! When we see Jesus face-to-face, we shall be transformed into His likeness: splendid, beautiful, radiant, and glorious. We’ve been given a secret identity! Sons and Daughters of God! To the praise of His glory!   How is this even possible? How can it ever come to pass? How do we know our secret identity isn’t just wishful thinking?   In Ephesians 1:15-23, Paul shares three ways we can be confident that this secret identity will one day be revealed in glory:   1) Prayer   Our growth is grace.   Our growth is dependent