Bringing Design Closer With Gerry Scullion

Raven Kaliana 'Examining trauma and using puppetry as a transformative tool''



Tickets are on sale NOW for our first design conference in Dublin Buy Conference & workshop tickets  Hello, and welcome to Bringing Design Closer.  My name is Gerry Scullion and I’m a service designer and trainer based in Dublin City, Ireland.  Bringing Design Closer is a podcast dedicated on shining the light on the complexities of unbedding the designer’s mindset within organisations.  In this episode, I speak with Raven Kaliana, a puppeteer and human rights activist based in the UK and originally from the U.S. She studied at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, but what brings us here today is Raven’s remarkable story of how she uses puppetry to campaign for public awareness on policy change around child abuse issues.  She’s written her own autobiographical play called: Hooray for Hollywood a play about Raven’s survival on escaping human trafficking as a child, which she’s since made into a film.